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CMK Newsletter | December | 2022

Dear CMK Family,

The FIRST WELL IN NEPAL is OVERFLOWING!! Just a week before Christmas! What a GIFT OF JOY from God! We hope you feel God pouring His JOYand LOVE and FAITH that exudes from this photo into your hearts this Christmas!


God has provided for the FIRST WELL PROJECT IN HONDURAS to begin!

Friends, you’ve blessed the heart of the Father by the way you give! By the way you live. By the way you LOVE. By the way you simply believe Him.


Joel just returned from Honduras with a Surge director, James Purciful, a week ago and they met with pastors that are ready to plant a church and mission at every well site we do in Honduras. We didn’t even know exactly how that trip was going to be funded. Usually God will provide the funds in just enough time to buy the tickets. This time He provided unexpectedly at the end of the trip through one of his faithful servants! Isn’t it true that faith is a journey we have to take one unseen step at a time? Faith pleases God, so of course He will help us develop our faith!

If you’re facing a lot of unknowns, know that nothing is unknown to God.

Joel and I stood in this exact spot in Nepal with Pastor KB and Pastor Sushila two months ago and prayed for God to intervene on behalf of this community. We arrived on the scene where there was much devastation with nothing in our hands or in our accounts. But we kept taking steps by faith, walking by faith, simply following His Spirit.

Faith is simply this: we don’t need to know how God will come through, we just need to KNOW HE WILL.


We knew God was leading us here and with every site we visited our hearts broke further. When God breaks our hearts and empties our hands until all that’s left is faith in Him, we have learned that He’s setting us up for a miracle. He’s clearing the way for Him to get all the glory. We just open our hands and let whatever small thing we have left go wherever God wants it to go and then we watch a miracle unfold.

This is the story of Christmas…saying yes to God and knowing we can’t possibly give Him anything except our scared and often whispered “yes, Lord.” Just as Mary said, “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled.” (Luke 1:38). She didn’t give God a list of why she wasn’t the right one for this role. She didn’t make excuses or ask God how she would provide for a baby when she was only a poor, unmarried teenager. She simply gave God her yes. She trusted God to do what was best.

Use me, Lord. I don’t have anything to give or bring to you except my rights to myself. So come invade my life, come grow inside me even if it’s uncomfortable and different than I expected. Even if I lose everything, if I gain you I will be content.

We can give everything because Jesus is the only thing this world needs.

Mary didn’t have a plan. She wasn’t prepared. Even Joseph was helpless to provide a safe place for Jesus’ birth. But because they said “yes”, nothing could stop God from coming.


We are praying for your hearts to be filled with the incredible love of God! He’s given us his greatest treasure in Jesus! He’s given us EVERYTHING!

“For God has proved his love by giving us his greatest treasure, the gift of his Son. And since God freely offered him up as the sacrifice for us all, he certainly won’t withhold from us anything else he has to give.” (Romans 8:32)

Merry Christmas to all!


Joel and Joye

& The Incredible Seven

God Rolls Up His Sleeves! 2022 Breakthrough

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 Dear CMK Family,

Thank you for another incredible, unimaginable year so far!! And it’s not over yet!!  All that God has done would fill pages and pages!  We couldn’t have dreamed up all He's done this year!!  And the people He’s done it through!  

“The LORD has demonstrated His holy power before the eyes of all nations. All the ends of the earth will see the victory of our God.” Isaiah 52:10 AMP

ALL the ENDS of the EARTH WILL SEE that Power and Victory belong to our God!  He won’t lead us to dead ends UNLESS He plans to provide a highway in the wilderness.  He won’t  lead us to the desert UNLESS He plans to provide water from a rock.  He is never without a plan!  He is never without the victory!  If you’re facing the desert or a dead end, know that God has the victory planned for all the world to see!  The bigger the crisis, the bigger the victory!

Reaching the world with the gospel has never felt so daunting, with 3.2 million that have NEVER HEARD the gospel even once still waiting on the life saving message we hold.  BUT with the need so great, God’s power is on display in even greater ways!  We are finding the darkest places to be blazing the brightest with MIRACLES of LOVE. 

In Nepal especially we have seen this (more about that below).  We didn't have the funds to help all the needs we saw there, but we went anyway knowing God had to have a plan and He wanted us to continue to walk by faith, go by faith, give by faith!  And of course, God is showing up because He has everything we need.  He's never short on resourcesGod isn't slow to answer, He's as fast as His people are to obey.


  • TWO VILLAGES of UNREACHED TRIBES heard the Gospel for the FIRST TIME and Accepted Christ in Tanzania and South Sudan

  • 1,017 people baptized publicly in a commitment to follow Christ (4,000+ students also prayed to accept Christ through school outreaches)

  • 26 Villages now have Clean Water Well Systems– Over 150,000 can access free clean water

  • Over 2,000 Bibles given to new believers, 200 audio bibles delivered to an unreached tribe for the first time in history

  • Ongoing Outreaches with The Jesus Film + Bibles to remote tribes, seeing more salvations on every outreach

  • Short term missions teams were strategic in reaching communities for Christ

  • Karen and Jeff Gross were pioneers and persevered against all odds to train up masons and supervise drilling projects this year!

  • God sent us to Mexico, Paraguay and Nepal opening new doors for ministry!

GOD’S SURPRISE– Mexico, Paraguay, and Nepal

God has been opening doors for ministry around the world.  He surprised us by leading us to Mexico (where a well is committed to), Paraguay, and Nepal!  Justin Kelley of Renewed Ministries traveled to Paraguay with Joel and is helping build an orphanage with our friend John Duot in South Sudan.  Joel and I just returned from Nepal in October.  This trip wasn’t even on our radar until August of this year!  God set it in motion and clearly told us to go.  At first, we didn’t even know anyone there!  Then God connected us with a national church there that had been praying for us to come and drill wells for their suffering churches (this was unknown to us at first!).  In fact, a couple weeks before we were scheduled to arrive in Nepal, there were landslides and flooding that devastated many of the communities.  We visited some of the areas, prayed and held those who were devastated by loss and some of you sent relief funds.  We saw God move mightily in POWER in Nepal and the churches we visited were all born out of miracles! 

 In Nepal, it’s illegal to evangelize and Christians are arrested and jailed if caught sharing about Jesus.  In order to reach their neighbors, they must move in LOVE and pray for healings and deliverance.  Many people get healed and delivered when the Christians pray for them and that is how their churches are growing!  400 churches have been planted by the ministry we are partnering with there.  Bringing water to the suffering communities will be a mighty testament of God’s love and we all began to pray fervently for this!  While we were still there, a friend of mine contacted me and told me the amount she and her husband wanted to give for a well.  It was the exact amount Joel had just calculated after meeting with a local driller!  Now, only a couple weeks later, FIVE WELLS have been sponsored!  Each well costs an estimate of 5K-10K.  Revival is spreading in Nepal– even in the midst of persecution, the Nepali Christians risk it all to serve Jesus!  The ministry of Pastor K B Basel and his wife Pastor Sushila is a beautiful picture of the first church in Acts!  They have even rescued an estimate of 9,000 girls from sex trafficking!  They’re in need of a safe house for the girls that can’t be returned to a family.  This is on our miracle prayer list!


This year we saw many of our years of prayers for the UNREACHED TRIBES answered!  God put the unreached tribe of the Hadzabe in Tanzania on our hearts back in 2019 and we have been praying and planning on how to reach them ever since.  Our missionary Nickson Mzigaba is from Tanzania and he put his heart into this mission.  Joel broke his foot in two places while on outreach to the Maasai with a visiting short term missions team, but he went forward with the outreach to the Hadzabe in spite of it!  Nickson arranged for the difficult process of drilling in such a remote area and Joel went there once to supervise before the well was complete. Joel and I, our kids, Pastor Benson, our fellow missionary Aaron Domengeaux, and our Pastors Deven and Kathy Pedeaux from the U.S. made the journey into the bush for the celebration.  Deven and Kathy brought the solar audio bibles from the U.S. with the Hadzabe language translated for the FIRST TIME in history!  We also brought bibles for the Datoga, Mubulu, and Masaai tribes. 

There were miracle SALVATIONS at the Celebration!!  Many locals told us the Hadzabe were resistant to the gospel and would refuse to go in the water to be baptized, due to their superstitions.  But God had a plan!  Joel had been visiting with the Hadzabe, and they told him they had never seen anyone bring such love–in the form of water, one of their greatest needs–and they asked him to tell them about his God!!!  They were eager to hear about God!  Even during the sharing of the Gospel through interpreters at the Celebration, several Hadzabe men sat on the steps of the baptismal–eager to go in and be baptized!  We had explained it all to them and they were READY!  Twelve of the Hadzabe, and eight Datoga and Mbulu put their faith in Jesus and were baptized!  One of the local chiefs declared “We have seen the Gospel with Evidence!”


One of the hardest trips we made this year was with John Duot Duong into the remote interior of war-torn South Sudan. John Duot knew of a village of the Toposa tribe that was unreached and in dire need of water. Our land cruiser had to be winched through rivers and mountains by Joel and the team of Nickson, John Duot, Simon, and Ali. They passed up the drill rig and the drillers weren’t sure they could make it the rest of the way. When Joel arrived at the village, he began to share about our God and how we know He is real because He answers our prayers. At that exact moment, the drilling rig pulled into the village and Joel and all the villagers fell to their knees praising God. After such an incredible answer to prayer, the entire village chose to put their trust in Jesus!! Joel and the team barely made it out of South Sudan alive as they were ambushed at the border. John Duot has since brought audio bibles to the Toposa and they have been able to hear the word of God for the VERY FIRST TIME since they do not read or write in this village.


God continues to pour out His Love on Kenya! Kenya still has some of the most extensive needs for clean water. It’s also very expensive and hard to drill here. The gratitude and the response of the many villages that receive the gift of clean water is hard to express in words. Many of you have come to see it for yourself! Pastor Benson and the prayer team of Kilaatu Baptist Church have helped us on every outreach in Kenya! They have served and loved these communities so well! Karen and Jeff Gross moved to Kenya late last year to begin to spearhead drilling projects. Their spiritual tenacity and perseverance accomplished so much for the Kingdom of God! They lived in Kenya for eight months building up the local churches there and drilling a record number of wells along with spiritually contending for these villages. They trained up masons and organized committees, met with village chiefs, exhorted and taught the local churches, saw miracles of healing and deliverance and that’s only part of it! What they have sown into many hearts and many lives will be reaped for ages. Jeff is a recent cancer survivor and is now battling an aggressive bacterial infection that requires around the clock IV meds. Please keep this mighty couple in your prayers! What they have accomplished for the Kingdom is untold!

The response to the Gospel has been incredible in Kenya!   997 were baptized this year at the well celebrations! There are healings and deliverance at these celebrations and the Holy Spirit has moved powerfully.

We had a wonderful family, the Preston's, who came to serve with their children, along with their teen daughter, Presley, who gave of her summer to serve.  Another amazing teen missionary, Mallorie Richardson, stayed for a month and walked countless miles through villages spreading the gospel!  What a gift they were!  They were absolutely instrumental in helping us organize and lead missions teams and outreaches!  We are so grateful for them. 

We had some wonderful short term missions teams come and serve this year! They were able to reach so many more people than we could on our own. Lives are changed forever because of them! One team from Bethany Church bought shoes for an entire school and washed hundreds of children's feet. It was a beautiful and moving picture of Jesus' love in action. God moved through the willingness of many to give up their time and money to serve God's purposes in the nations. Next year, we will have more opportunities to come and serve! God wants to use your feet to bring His good news! (Isaiah 52:7)


This year isn’t over yet and God still has more up His sleeve! 

God isn’t slow to answer, He’s as fast as his people are to obey.

“God has rolled up his sleeves. All the nations can see his holy, muscled arm. Everyone, from one end of the earth to the other, sees him at work, doing his salvation work.” Isaiah 52:10 MSG

God is rolling up His sleeves and He's ready to open doors for YOU. He's just waiting for us to be ready to walk obediently through them to partner with Him in HIS SALVATION WORK.
The more doors we walk through in faith, the more God keeps opening!

Thank you to everyone who has given and prayed and has come and served!

We Love You!

May God’s Face Shine on You,

The Dicharry’s 
Joel and Joye and the Magnificent Seven

Join us in taking the Gospel to the World!

Reaching the Unreached Hadzabe of Tanzania!

“The real God brings real help. He’s sent us to bring you water and tell you about His love.” Joel shared with the Hadzabe through our interpreter Ole when they led the drilling rig into the bush of Tanzania.

This week has been monumental!!! Just one week after Joel’s surgery on his broken leg, and he led the team to Tanzania. While there, Joel discovered that not just the Unreached Hadzabe, but also the Datoga and Iraquw will be able to benefit from this well! These THREE tribes have been on God’s heart and He put the Hadzabe on our hearts back in 2019. The Hadzabe are the last of the Hunter-Gatherers and they speak in a clicking tongue. Amazingly, their language was finally translated in 2019! An incredible family purchased solar audio bibles for this tribe to FINALLY hear the LOVE AND SALVATION OF JESUS in their OWN LANGUAGE! We will also be bringing the Datogo and Iraquw tribes bibles in their languages and showing them the Jesus Film at our Celebration the end of this month!!

Joel was able to share the Gospel with these tribes through an interpreter! He met Ole, a Maasai, back in 2019 and Ole accepted Christ. God told Joel Ole would be key in reaching the Hadzabe. For three years, we have prayed and planned to reach this tribe and God has led every step! When they reached the well site, Ole recognized two of the tribesman. One of them knew bits and pieces of Swahili and Ole was able to translate for Joel in a way the tribe could understand!

They asked Joel what he was bringing them because tourists drive out to take pictures with them several times a day and the guides pay them in weed and alcohol. Joel told him he was bringing them the love of God and God cares about their needs. He took out his first aid kit and began to treat their sores and infections. This was key in their acceptance of him and their trust. They told Joel that they worship the god of the sun and believe he sleeps at night. Joel was able to share with them that the One True God made the day and the night and never sleeps. Ole was so gifted at sharing God’s message with this tribe. When they got to the part about God bringing them water to prove His love for them, they got sooo excited!

That evening, Joel started a bonfire to feed the tribes and they all gathered around the fire to dance and sing and celebrate water and honor Joel for coming to them. The Hadzabe chief stood up and said, “You have brought us your God and we want to know your God.”

God has done more than we could ever ask or imagine!!!! We can’t wait to return in a couple weeks and continue to share the Good News!

The Hadzabe, Datoga, and Iraquw all finally have CLEAN WATER!! Only God could do this!!!

"I am Born Again!"

“I AM BORN AGAIN!” a man pumped his arms towards heaven as he came up baptized in the water of new life!

In this particular community, to be baptized meant he would face persecution by religious leaders. This community had been warned that they would be excommunicated if they were baptized. This man bravely stepped forward to make a public testament of his faith in Jesus and be baptized. He told us, “men of God must be brave.” Fifty more people were baptized in this village following after him and a woman was delivered from a violent spirit. Many in her village had been afraid of her and were amazed to see her be baptized and receive ministry.

327 people have been baptized and have made commitments to Christ since April!

We’ve had FOUR community Celebration Services at completed well sites and the WONDERFUL presence of the Holy Spirit has been with us.

At every celebration, we preach the gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ alone and many respond in repentance and faith.  We explain that Jesus said you must be born again.  We invite those who accept Christ to be baptized as a symbol of their new life. Everyone who is baptized receives a Bible thanks to the churches and individuals who give!!!

The Name of Jesus breaks EVERY chain!

We’ve seen many people delivered from the bondage of demons by the authority of Jesus.

At Kamuu, a woman confirmed deaf in one ear came forward for prayer and received deliverance and healing!

She came to us afterwards with her pastor to tell us she was completely healed and could hear!

Nothing is too difficult for God! Jesus saves, heals, and delivers!

Jesus is the SAME yesterday, today, and forever!

In Jesus’ own words He gives us this command with His promises:

..."Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.””

—Jesus in Mark 16:15-18

Jesus makes us a promise in these verses! “…these signs WILL ACCOMPANY THOSE WHO BELIEVE…”

Our team has been praying and fasting and seeking God for healing and deliverance for the many, many sick and afflicted we meet at every celebration service. Our hearts have been crying out to see freedom for the captives physically as well as spiritually. The lines for prayer for healing and deliverance are long and we are committed to pray for everyone who asks. As I was reading this verse in Mark, I realized it was not only a command of Jesus, but it contained a PROMISE from HIM! And this promise was not only for the first disciples, but Jesus states it was for “those who BELIEVE”.

Those who BELIEVE in the power and authority of Jesus will see these signs and wonders as Jesus accompanies them!

Jesus is FAITHFUL AND TRUE! He CANNOT Lie. Every word He speaks is Truth.

If Jesus tells us this will happen for “those who believe” then it is up to us to BELIEVE.

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all.
— 1 Chronicles 29:11
Meeting Rhoda and her sons was a God moment we will never forget!

There are some moments that stand so clearly in your mind you know without a doubt God is illuminating them....


There are some moments that stand so clearly in your mind you know without a doubt God is illuminating them....
Even while the moment is unfolding, it seems the people around you become outlined in light and you see them in a sharp clarity of focus. That’s how it felt on the side of the mountain yesterday, seated in a circle with the family we brought fresh produce to. 

We had climbed down a mountain footpath in our van packed with vegetables, being guided by our friends and pastors Reverend Benson and Amos. Benson introduced us to the matron of the family and told us a little of her story. Rhoda raised seven children and her husband passed away several years ago. Three of her grown children are mentally handicapped and still rely on her for all of their care. Rhoda stood, kindly smiling, gently nodding her head. Her eyes were wet and she tried to surreptitiously wipe them. Her daughter in law spoke to us of the many prayers they have prayed for Rhoda’s three disabled sons, knowing God has a wonderful purpose for their lives. 

They have prayed for years for a house to be built for them to live in. Our hearts were burdened for this family that has so little yet cares so much for one another. We sensed God’s presence there with us, His heart guiding us—here—to this moment. 

We wanted to help this family and we invited you to come alongside us to build a much needed home, a much needed refuge for them. And in ONE DAY you GAVE a home for Rhoda! One dear woman in the states gave the entire amount! And several more people have given to this family’s needs as well! Rhoda could no longer hide her tears as we prayed for her and her sons and her family and gave them provisions. These are children God dearly, dearly loves and their prayers are heard in heaven and move His heart mightily. It is one of the greatest privileges on earth to be used in some small way as God’s answers to prayers His children pray! Rhoda and her sons will no longer be sleeping in the dirt thanks to your compassionate help!

Rhoda’s tears turned to praise after we left and her loud cries were heard all around as she told others God has remembered her. 

Feeding Those In Need...Watch Video

Being able to go into villages and homes and bring them much needed food to alleviate their hunger has been just one of the blessings of remaining here during Covid-19.

We had to make a choice back in March on whether or not we would remain in Kenya even though the airport may be closed indefinitely and even though we were facing a lot of unknowns. We prayed and felt peace that God wanted us to stay. We are seeing so many reasons now that have confirmed to us why He kept us here. Words fail to describe the feeling of bringing someone their first meal in weeks, of praying for the sick during a time when so many are full of fear. Our kids jumped right in every time and have personally distributed the food. They have brought smiles and laughter and joy. It’s been beautiful and absolutely God breathed. We are so thankful for all who have given to place food in stomachs that have gone without and who have faced bleak uncertainty. Your giving is LIFE giving! God uses it ALL! We put together a little video of one of the village food distributions we did to show you how much you are impacting entire communities!