Posts tagged helping the poor
Meeting Rhoda and her sons was a God moment we will never forget!

There are some moments that stand so clearly in your mind you know without a doubt God is illuminating them....


There are some moments that stand so clearly in your mind you know without a doubt God is illuminating them....
Even while the moment is unfolding, it seems the people around you become outlined in light and you see them in a sharp clarity of focus. That’s how it felt on the side of the mountain yesterday, seated in a circle with the family we brought fresh produce to. 

We had climbed down a mountain footpath in our van packed with vegetables, being guided by our friends and pastors Reverend Benson and Amos. Benson introduced us to the matron of the family and told us a little of her story. Rhoda raised seven children and her husband passed away several years ago. Three of her grown children are mentally handicapped and still rely on her for all of their care. Rhoda stood, kindly smiling, gently nodding her head. Her eyes were wet and she tried to surreptitiously wipe them. Her daughter in law spoke to us of the many prayers they have prayed for Rhoda’s three disabled sons, knowing God has a wonderful purpose for their lives. 

They have prayed for years for a house to be built for them to live in. Our hearts were burdened for this family that has so little yet cares so much for one another. We sensed God’s presence there with us, His heart guiding us—here—to this moment. 

We wanted to help this family and we invited you to come alongside us to build a much needed home, a much needed refuge for them. And in ONE DAY you GAVE a home for Rhoda! One dear woman in the states gave the entire amount! And several more people have given to this family’s needs as well! Rhoda could no longer hide her tears as we prayed for her and her sons and her family and gave them provisions. These are children God dearly, dearly loves and their prayers are heard in heaven and move His heart mightily. It is one of the greatest privileges on earth to be used in some small way as God’s answers to prayers His children pray! Rhoda and her sons will no longer be sleeping in the dirt thanks to your compassionate help!

Rhoda’s tears turned to praise after we left and her loud cries were heard all around as she told others God has remembered her. 
