Posts tagged helping those in need
Feeding Those In Need...Watch Video

Being able to go into villages and homes and bring them much needed food to alleviate their hunger has been just one of the blessings of remaining here during Covid-19.

We had to make a choice back in March on whether or not we would remain in Kenya even though the airport may be closed indefinitely and even though we were facing a lot of unknowns. We prayed and felt peace that God wanted us to stay. We are seeing so many reasons now that have confirmed to us why He kept us here. Words fail to describe the feeling of bringing someone their first meal in weeks, of praying for the sick during a time when so many are full of fear. Our kids jumped right in every time and have personally distributed the food. They have brought smiles and laughter and joy. It’s been beautiful and absolutely God breathed. We are so thankful for all who have given to place food in stomachs that have gone without and who have faced bleak uncertainty. Your giving is LIFE giving! God uses it ALL! We put together a little video of one of the village food distributions we did to show you how much you are impacting entire communities!