Posts tagged missionary travel
The TICKETS are purchased!! The countdown begins!

Today we visited White Dove Fellowship

Thankful for the prayers and support of local churches!


We feel like shouting from the mountain tops “Look what God has done!”

We were able to purchase TICKETS to Kenya for our family!! And yes, that means TEN tickets were booked for an international flight! My mom is coming to spend the first month with us!

We leave January 18th! Only Five weeks away.

God is giving us a whole new appreciation for His “suddenlies”.

What He says, He does. What He promises, He fulfills. You can stake your life on it. And as Christians, we are asked to do no less.

We’ve staked our lives on His commission. But that doesn’t mean we are paragons of faith. It simply means we are willing to look foolish to the world. :) We are willing to follow Him, and thankfully He leads us one step at a time.

I used to think following God one step at a time was frustratingly slow—now, I understand why the slow and steady pace—each step of obedience requires more faith than the last one.

Recently, Joel and I were praying about whether or not we should go ahead and purchase tickets when there are still some big things we are waiting on provision for; things like a vehicle and an extra rain collecting tank for the house. (By the way, that’s another awesome testimony— we’ve been graciously offered a house to stay in by a family member of Angels Center of Hope.) In both of our prayer times, God gave us similar scriptures. Joel had written on the top of his notes, “God directs our steps” (Proverbs 20:24) and I had written in my notes, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Corinthians 5:7)

How can we walk if we don’t take steps? And how will that walk be one of faith if we can see every step?

“For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God,” Paul says (Romans 8:14)

If we are walking by faith, it becomes as simple as Following the Leader. The Spirit of God is the one who leads and this is how we demonstrate our sonship. This is no normal walk. It’s a walk categorized by blind faith and expectant trust. Does it look foolish sometimes? Absolutely! Does it even make sense to us at times? To be honest, no, not always. .

“A man’s steps are directed by the LORD. How then can anyone understand their own way?” Proverbs 20:24

If God is leading, then He knows where He’s going! God doesn't get lost. He doesn’t lose His way. He doesn’t need a map or a program or a list. He thought of everything and He knows how to get us where He wants us. We can’t miss the destination, when He is our guide. We can’t miss our goal, when He is our aim.

God willing, we will be in Kenya in January! And we’ll be taking it one step at a time, as the Lord leads! He’s brought us this far and we are amazed at the love and support of the people of God and the way we travel together on this journey.

In Christ,
