Help Save Lives by Getting a Well for an Entire Region in Kenya!


“What if this was your family’s only source of water? A muddy, dangerously polluted river?”

That thought lingered in my mind as I walked with Rose on her third trip to the river to get water. It’s an hour and a half for her to make the trip with the donkeys loaded with water jugs to the Athi river and back. She has two children and sometimes she makes the trip for water up to 6 TIMES a day! That’s nearly 8 hours spent collecting water for her family and a neighbor’s farm!!

We met several kids along the way, leading donkeys to the river. Once we finally reached the river, I saw the water was high and fast. It can be dangerous for kids to collect the water when it’s this high. Dangerous because it is the dumping ground for chemical plants and even more pollution. Dangerous because it carries many diseases in its murky waters. Dangerous because hippos have been known to attack people drawing water from its banks. For the people in Ndituni village, the Athi River—dangerous as it is—is still their only source for water. 

For the children of this area, the danger of dying from water borne illnesses is a very real thing. Nearly 3.4 million people die each year from water borne illnesses such as typhoid, cholera, dysentery, giardia, E. coli, and salmonella. We can save close to a thousand lives this year alone by helping get a well for this area!

Friends, would you pray for this area to see God’s hand at work on their behalf and for this Well Project to be completed before we have to return to the States? Our family moved here to Eastern Kenya the beginning of this year because God put a burden on our hearts to help bring clean water to this village so in need. We came knowing it would be a big task—the village has tried for years to get a well drilled for their area. The well has to be drilled 600 ft deep in order to hit water. The pumps, tanks, and solar required to bring the water to the surface from that depth are expensive. Trying to work with the government to accomplish this has also proven to be a very long and arduous process. 

But we are here believing God for BIG things, believing He goes before us and believing God led us here. And we’ve seen Him do so much!! We’ve seen Him move His people with compassion and we’ve seen generosity like we’ve never seen before!
We want, above everything in this world, to bring glory to God and testify of His goodness and Love! 

He is the God who makes all things possible. He is the God who never misses the smallest detail of our lives and cares enough to meet us there. He is the God who calls us to follow Him into every situation knowing that He Is Able and knowing that He is Always Good.

Thank you for giving and for sharing and for continuing to allow God to move you with compassion!!

Your prayers and support are powerful! Keep on praying, keep on sharing, keep on letting your heart be impacted, and GOD WILL DO THE REST.

Joel Dicharry